          The Form of USA lie 偽善)-"the lie of good"(Hypocrite) all the time to be the leader plus Free of Tax plus absolute free right  酒店經紀; to kill to build the form of USA lie to help all prisoner 酒店工作s can live a better orderly condition of life and get a better peaceful good 買屋網 night sleep. Therefore, when USA failed to kill their US liar Bill Clinton and his co-liar Hillary Cli 永慶房屋nton, they are lost all their "lie of good", because they Tax every worker and tax every individual home owner' 關鍵字廣告s property and openly ban people from the Constitution guarded the right to bear fire arms freely already lost other two good lies before US liar B 住商房屋ill Clinton and his co-liar Hillary Clinton can got away out of their crime of lie.  USA is finished after US liar Bill Clinton and his c0-liar Hillary Clinton 澎湖民宿 can have that shameless keep stand on stage to voice; Bush junior failed to do the duty to finish USA orderly when Colin Power resign from US Secretary place; Obama failed to do the duty t 婚禮佈置o kill all existing USA Presidents and their immediately blood tie, the worst is Obama failed to do the duty to pardon the dead sentenced black sniper, as well as failed to do his duty to ban anyon 系統傢俱e from tax or bill any private home owner that left USA lie lost all right to keep the form. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 婚禮顧問  .

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