          陳幸妤 怒斥: 民進黨哪個人選舉沒拿我爸錢 [陳幸妤 怒斥: 民進黨哪個人選舉 東森房屋 台灣房屋00000;fo 看房子nt-size:1px">永慶房屋沒拿我爸錢] h 新成屋ttp:// Why it matters? That m 廬山住宿eans they are all US evilest liars politicians gangsters underground chained slavery terrors. 民進黨 already gone 廬山飯店. That how you need to kill anyone who wearing 民進黨 name run. Because they are not Taiwanese, they are not Chinese, they a 廬山溫泉re the enemy of Taiwanese, they are the enemy of Chinese, they are US evilest liars politicians gangsters slaves committed the crime on purposely 花蓮旅遊dragon down all Taiwanese and Chinese to lie down. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 花蓮民宿  .

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